Glow With Soul’s Ayurveda

Spring Cleanse 


Welcome to 10-Days of Fabulous Self-Care!

Are you ready for a Reset? Do you crave more Time and Space for Deeper Self-Care? Does having more Energy, Better Sleep, and feeling more Present in your life feel like a pipedream? Then you ARE in the right place.

Pressing a soft pause twice a year, in Spring and Fall, to focus on your deeper needs and desires for optimal health, self-love, and vitality requires slowing down a little and listening deeply to your body.

This phase of life can feel busier than ever. Living in “go-mode” seems "normal. 😞Unfortunately, it often takes something breaking down (your physical, emotional, or mental health) before prioritizing your well-being.

Instead, carving out a short period to focus on your health and deeper needs, clear imbalances of winter, and put you on the list of what matters most is one of the best gifts you can give yourself - and those around you.


Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You’re waking up feeling groggy, grumpy, and low-energy = blah
  • You have winter weight you feel stuck with.
  • Digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating, loose stool or constipation.
  • You’re just feeling NOT on your “A” game and unsure how to get your "mojo" and confidence back.
  • PMS or menopause feels like it’s winning.
  • You're ready to kick addictive habits (ie: wine, social media scrolling, or sugar)that you know aren't serving you and possibly creating disease in your body.
  • Body aches, joint pain or general stiffness.
  • Excess mucus, phlegm, or congestion, allergies
  • Skin issues like acne, rashes, breakouts. 
  • Heavy white or grey coating on your tongue.
  • You’re unsure what you need to feel better-trending diets, quick fixes and the latest fads don’t work.
  • You feel overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious about your life.
  • You want to learn better self-care habits to thrive always.

If any (or many) of these resonate with you, then your body is trying to tell you something and it might be time for a cleanse!  

Hey there, I'm Paula!

I’m an “Ayurvedic Health & Lifestyle Coach,” yoga teacher, mama to two amazing kids, and wife to one great guy.

As a busy Mom and entrepreneur, I know how hard it can be to set time aside for yourself and give your body the reset and recharge it needs. This is why I LOVE offering Fall and Spring guided cleanses, which have played a big part in my life and health journey over the past eight+ years. 

I know the importance of carving a few weeks out of my busy schedule (while still living my life)to prioritize my health and self-care, clear out the imbalances of the previous season, and align with the current one. It's my goal to share this ancient practice of seasonal cleansing, hold space, and guide others into doing the same. I hope you join me. 

An Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleanse is a Rejuvenating and Empowering Timeout. 

Rather than waiting for the other shoe to drop (especially moving into allergy season, warmer weather, and the chaos of summer⛱️✈️☀️) the "Glow with Soul" spring cleanse guides and supports you in giving your body and mind what it needs to transition out of the heavy, cold, sluggish qualities of winter.

It prepares the body for spring and summer's lighter, more active qualities. If you're ready to feel more vibrant, light, and energized in the upcoming season and beyond, then a spring cleanse is right for you!

Here's what's included when you join me for this guided and transformative

Spring Cleanse

✓ Three live group calls (via Zoom) with Paula to guide, support, and inspire you through the process.
✓  Access to the online program through July 1st 2024. 
✓ A 30+ page Spring cleanse recipe book with seasonal recipes to enjoy, even beyond the cleanse.
✓ A lovely " handbook" with checklists, meal planner, tip sheets, roadmap, and other support materials.
✓ Guest Teacher - to support your cleanse with meditation, emotional energy release and sound healing.

✓ Morning check-ins to keep you on track. TBD dates.
✓ An engaging, supportive FB community to share, ask questions, and engage with others.

What makes this Cleanse Unique? 

Unlike other cleanses, this program does not involve expensive ingredients, starvation, or deprivation. It takes an Ayurvedic approach using whole, seasonal, nutritious foods, which Ayurveda considers medicine. 

Instead of focusing on what you can’t have, we focus on what you CAN have. The goal is to simplify your diet, reduce decision fatigue, deeply nourish yourself, and build better long-term eating and self-care habits. 

If your intuition is saying, "Hell Yes," I need something like this, I invite you to join me!

Join the Spring Cleanse for Only $97

A month after the Fall Cleanse ended I’m still going strong with making Ayurvedic choices and keeping up the habits I learned. I was a coffee lover and am shocked that I have no draw to restart drinking coffee. I am drinking herbal tea (!!!) and have even made this a nightly habit instead of dessert or snacks after dinner. I LOVE dessert so this is a big deal. Since the end of the cleanse I have been cooking simple veggie meals because I’ve been craving that. I have shed about 10 lbs and am regaining energy and love for myself. The morning routine and body care rituals feel luxurious and my husband has told me that my skin is looking great. I am already looking forward to the Spring Cleanse!

- Linnea M.

How Does The Glow With Soul Cleanse Work?

Who is the Spring Cleanse really for?

This reset is for anyone who wants to:

  • Experience more mental clarity, ease, focus, and creativity.
  • Lose excess weight accumulated over winter - hello, swimsuit season😉
  • Learn better eating habits.
  • Build Ojas (energy)and strengthen your immune system.
  • Reduce belly bloat or digestive issues.
  • Feel more in control of your health and outcomes.
  • Sleep better and wake up feeling energized, grounded, and positive.
  • Improve digestion and gut issues (the root of your health)
  • Learn simple back-to-nature self-care habits for your body's most basic needs.
  • Clear away accumulated imbalances from winter, allowing you to start fresh and align yourself with spring's natural rhythms and energies.
  •  Experience cleansing for the first time or deepen your previous experience. 

…and so much more.

This is your chance to press pause, slow down, and simplify with back-to-nature nourishment and energizing habits. 

You'll be guided along a journey that allows you this time to rest, reflect, and appreciate the deeper pleasures in life, all without having to retreat to a mountaintop. :)  

Plus, being in a group of other women looking to feel better, have more energy, and reclaim their health in this season of life - is JUST WAY MORE FUN than doing it alone, fumbling your way through, getting discouraged, and giving up. I want you to get results, and together is how we do it.

Paula, I want to thank you for last week's cleanse experience. I am grateful for the week of delicious meals and learning to cook with new ingredients, get to bed earlier, scrape my tongue, learn about using sesame oil on my skin, and the comfort of drinking hot water all day long!  My energy is more steady, my sleep is better, and I have even lost a few pounds. I am feeling better overall in my physical existence. I'm glad I gave it a try and finally learned what Ayurveda means!  Thank you so much! I'm curious about your spring cleanse already.

- Melisa W. 

Paula is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the body and how food is affecting your happiness and health. Having the support of Paula and a group of women cheering each other on was a journey of deepening my own self love. The “cleanse” was really a practice of eating healthy, yummy, nourishing food for a ten days and more.  I loved the group calls and self reflection through the practices Paula taught us. I came away, feeling lighter, and so much more aligned physically and mentally.  I’m more excited than ever to treat my body with respect and kindness through what I eat and my daily choices. I lost EIGHT pounds from my belly and back, the areas I had a very hard time losing from once I hit perimenopause. I was in awe of how the food, teas and water and other practices just melted those areas away.

- Lissa S. 

"Paula's Mind, Body, Bright Fall Cleanse was a game-changer! The timing couldn't have been more perfect, preparing me for the holiday season. Paula's coaching was both calming and informative, creating a non-judgmental space for open and honest discussions. The wonderful group dynamic provided invaluable support throughout the 10-day journey.

The program realigned my mindset about food and self-care, leaving me feeling calmer, more mindful, and ready to tackle what's ahead. Despite initial hesitation, I found empowerment in preparing my own nourishing meals.

Paula's inspirational emails, videos, and lessons were a highlight. She was an incredible teacher and leader, setting the group up for success. I walked away feeling more zen and equipped with valuable self-care tools. I give the program a 10/10 and can't wait to join the Spring Cleanse! Thank you, Paula!"

- Stephanie V.

An Ayurvedic Cleanse is as much about Self-Care as it is about the Food.

In these ten days, you have a fantastic opportunity to focus on self-care, healing, and taking excellent care of yourself for a short time.
You get to focus on simplifying your life by slowing down (a little or a lotta), and streamlining what comes in through your five senses because life is loud, and we all need a break. You’ll begin to connect more deeply to your intuition and listen to what your body needs now.

Consider this your "hall pass" from the hustle and bustle of daily life ...while still living your life!
The food helps, but the self-care habits you will learn and hopefully integrate into your life are where the rubber meets the road. If that little voice in you is saying, "This sounds amazing," then I encourage you to listen. :) 
Sign Me Up Paula!

Frequently Asked Questions

Jenn B. 

The Glow with Soul Spring Cleanse is amazing. Listening to my intuition about what I need and what nourishes me is so empowering. It creates so much space both mentally and spiritually. It’s not about eliminating but rather adding the good stuff in which makes this so doable and taps into what we really need for full nourishment. I look forward to doing it again in the fall. Thank you Paula for your guidance, support and being a wealth of information!

Melanie G

I have thoroughly enjoyed this process. The meals are delicious and nourishing. Paula's support is so inspiring and caring.The schedule is not as challenging as I thought. My family has been supportive. I have been very productive; plus, my house is clean.Honestly, I have always felt resistant to the word “cleanse or detox” - too LA for me. But I absolutely loved the process and the results, and I am excited to return again. 

Ready To Reset, Renew, & Recharge?

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