Hi, I’m Paula Pister.

Hey there, I’m Paula Pister (yep just like it sounds, rhythms with sister).

I’m a certified Ayurvedic health and lifestyle coach, yoga teacher, entrepreneur, mom to two kiddos, and busy, midlife woman.

Just like you, I understand the challenges of juggling a career, family, heath, relationships and my dreams and ambitions in this phase of life.

I guess you clicked on this page to learn a bit about me so let's start here...

Flashback to my teens as an aspiring model turned actor; I felt I was never good enough, thin (or tall) enough, or pretty enough. In an industry that prioritizes being thin over healthy, youth over aging and quick “fixes”, trending diets and workout routines over self-care, acceptance, and natural aging, I can see how I carried that belief with me for a long time.

Having a teen daughter has only fired me up more to make sure she doesn't struggle with those same doubts and buy into the same messaging that I did and she’s exposed to every day.

As an adult, I’ve spent most of my adult life living in BIG cities, (even though I grew up on a farm) having BIG ambitions and taking on BIG stressors. 

I spent my 20s/30s working in t.v. production which took it’s toll on my health, nervous system and how I cared for myself.

In 2014 I felt like I was living my life on a hamster wheel, struggling to reinvent myself as an entrepreneur, running around to auditions (with kids in tow), teaching yoga classes around town, often solo parenting as my husband traveled a lot for work, household chores, playdates, exercising when I could. I thought being a “master juggler” was a badge of honor.

I thought I was living a "healthy" life. I had a regular yoga/meditation practice, was eating well and thought I was taking care of myself, however, I was running ragged, using wine to relax and not REALLY listening to my body, I knew I needed more. 

It took my amazing Dad dying suddenly that year to rock my world enough that I was forced to wake the f*%k up, commit to making changes and do the work necessary to make my life what I want it to be. It’s a path I recommit to every day. 

Losing my Pops changed my life, I won’t lie. I was heartbroken, lost and grieving and still needed to show up for two small kids, my husband and my life - I just wanted to disappear.

That Was The Biggest Transformational
Experience Of My Life. What's Yours?

That’s when I found Ayurveda (yoga's mother science)—it was the missing link. I committed to becoming a multi-certified health, habit, and mindset coach, diving deeper into Ayurveda, and sharing it with clients. 

Ayurveda taught me more profound yet simple tools, insights, and ancient wisdom to love, heal, and care for my body and mind and nurture my soul than I ever knew possible. 

I consider myself a student of life and a dreamer who believes that dreams do come true- IF they are combined with attention, intention, unwavering commitment, self-compassion, and curiosity, all combined with a deep desire to realize and fulfill your purpose on this planet- why you’re here in the first place. Your Dharma.

And in the meantime, how do you want to FEEL along the way? 

Using Ayurveda's time-tested wisdom and self-care "tools" combined with modern science and years of my own experience, this is what I get to help you with. 

 It starts with putting yourself on the list of what matters most, committing to changing habits and beliefs that are making you sick, and deciding that you are worthy of everything your heart desires. 

That’s what I had to do. 

Now, I’m committed to guiding other ladies in the most challenging phase of their lives (midlife) to being in the driver's seat of their health and happiness. 

I’m on this journey with you every step of the way.

A few fun facts about me:

  • I’m a horse girl at heart. I grew up with horses, and they are my “spirit animals.”
  • Dogs LOVE me! 

  • I love to go fast - ski, bike, ride, and drive fast. 

  • I make the BEST salads ever (or so I’ve been told).

  • I love to travel (and am planning retreats for you).

  • My very first job was raising fancy chickens, and I had a silver fox pet named “Thumper” as a child.

  • I was a costume stylist for years and designed a beautiful line of jewelry worn by some pretty famous people. (what-ev’s but still a fun fact) 

  • I have loved acting since I was a kid. Sometimes I get paid for it.

  • I’m writing a book - TBD :) Nobody knows yet.Â